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Monster Hunter: Legends of the Guild (2021)

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Monster Hunter: Legends of the Guild (2021)
4.3/3 votes
Followed by 26 members

There are mysterious legends about the “Huangwei Hunters” among the people in the Northeast. They have lived in the mountains for generations and guarded the emperor’s vitality movement in Xing’anling, a land of Longxing. It is said that in addition to being proficient in hunting, hunters also know the art of exorcising ghosts and gods. In a remote mountain village in the northeast, a massacre occurred quietly. At the plea of ​​the villagers, Liu Er Ye, the last generation of Huangwei hunter, decided to go out and investigate the truth. He didn’t want strange things to happen repeatedly in the process, Lao Linzi. The secrets inside have also been gradually revealed.



  1. Shagtastic says:

    Please SNAKE EYE isn’t out…. Really waiting for that movie.

    1. Admin says:

      Not yet released.

  2. Mpho says:

    Hi admin.

    May you please put the Hustle & Flow movie for me please!!!
    Thank you in advance

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